What is the GoldSilver Central Savings Accumulation Program (GSAP)?
GSAP is a savings program suitable for everyone –young, savvy or even institutional investors seeking to accumulate their Precious Metals Holdings in physical Gold, Silver and Platinum.
GoldSilver Central Pte Ltd (UEN: 201107187N), a Singapore registered company since 2011 specialises in physical bullion trading in gold, silver and platinum at real-time pricing, industry bullion supply, bullion buying and selling, collateral loan and secured storage under GoldSilver Central’s Bullion Storage Program at the Le Freeport.
Monday to Friday:
10:00am - 05:45pm
10.00am - 12.45pm
3 Pickering Street #01-15/16
Nankin Row
Singapore 048660
+65 6222 9703