Dollar cost averaging is an investment strategy where you divide a total amount to be invested by the standard periodic purchases of a targeted asset. In other words, you are spacing out the intervals of your investment instead of committing to one larger amount. Avoiding the risk of making poorly timed decisions especially when the market is not in your favor. The key attribute to this strategy is the smoothening of investment risk. Lowering the risk and cost of wealth saving accumulation.
You can find plenty of similar offerings in the market, but have you heard of a precious metal accumulation plan? Yes! GoldSilver Central is offering the Savings Accumulation Program (GSAP), a metal accumulation method based on dollar cost averaging. For any increment of 100SGD or more per month you can start accumulating your savings in Gold, Silver or Platinum in your account.
The flexibility of starting from as low as 100SGD per month is suitable for anyone who would like to start small. What this also means is if you feel comfortable, you can always opt to save more every month. Suitable for the young as a savings plan and also to institutional investors who are interested in the acquirement of precious metals over time